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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 28 June 2021, 08:17

This morning been working on the L222 module unit 4& 5 again 👩‍💻and changing parts of it I don't find relevant to the question✍ (just facts about other things in general). Replace these with more specific items 📒that relate to the actual question itself.📖 from the module materials.

I think I was supposed to contribute something to the forum but I am too busy at the moment to do this as my time is taken up with writing the ema which I think this is very important at the moment. Had a drink🧃 🌯

Later weather not too bad 🌥 went with friend (younger and fitter than me !) For a fast walk. 👧She is a real keep fit fanatic! We did some speed walking together. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

This was very hard especially at first! 🤪 my ❤heart was pounding and my🦵legs were hurting, as well as my back. I felt completely out of breath🌬🌬  I am not in the fittest condition!
But after a while it was ok, but I needed to sit down 🌲 on a fallen 🛋tree. ah! thats better!

We did this in short bursts just around 1 field🌄  although  we could just have easily done it around the park.(but I was just too embarrassed to do that yet) 
But next time we will!
We had to go through the field, otherwise we would look an extremely funny sight wouldn' t we ? going through the streets like two waddling ducks! 🦆🦆
(Quack ! Quack!)

Good exercise!

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SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Hi Gill,

It sounds like you are building up your fitness very well smile

Which reminds me... How is your son's friend with Covid?


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Hi Jan,

She is off the ventilator now but still under observation. I think she is on the mend now thank you for asking.

Best wishes


SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Hi Gill,

That's good to hear.  Let's hope she makes a speedy recovery and doesn't get "long covid".


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Hi Jan

Thank you.