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Precarity- Sound familiar ???

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 Nov 2022, 19:35

French society has therefore lived through an apparent contradiction of, on the one hand, rapid technological development and increased consumerism and, on the other hand, deep social inequalities and the marginalisation of significant parts of the population. Many people’s lives are characterised by precarity, be this in employment, housing or access to essential services (and often all three), and arbitrary discrimination in these areas continues to be a fact of everyday life for millions. Certain measures have been taken by national and local authorities to address these issues but much remains to be done, and the principal actors in defending and extending social rights have often been voluntary associations of citizens operating on a more or less formal basis, sometimes in conjunction with government but often in opposition to official policies of austerity.

(Open University Unité 6 L222 Questions de société)

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