OU blog

Personal Blogs


Day 230 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Sunday, 23 May 2021, 11:42

The start of the weekend is always a nice time to unwind and reflect on the why's and wherefores of the previous week to see what can be done, added or subtracted in order to maintain a healthy balance in all areas, such as sobriety, mental health, physical health and my impact on people that i interact with. |All of my studies throughout my life have been cantered around self development and anything that helps me get to understand my thoughts feelings and behaviours and the cognitive process behind them all. 

My goal is to understand my thoughts, feelings, behaviours and emotions, ending with the ability to be able to control them as opposed to them controlling me, by taking ownership and responsibility for the above mentioned will keep blame away from my door, it will keep me away from the role of a victim and will help me to always internalise my progression and what gets in the way of progression as opposed to externalising it and giving the responsibility of my flaws away to external sources in the form of blame "he made me angry" "she made me sad" "he made me do that" and "i felt fine before i bumped in to so and so" and other related phrases that i often use when i lack the ability to challenge myself and make corrective alterations to my inabilities.

it is so easy to hide behind said phrases however, if i do i am cutting my nose off to spite my face, because as i give the responsibility and power away to outside forces for altering my thoughts, feelings, behaviours and emotions, i am therefor stripping myself of the power to alter myself ensuring that the only way i can alter my thoughts feeling, behaviours and emotions is to go back to the person who altered them in the first place and hope that they can realter them for me.

For the majority of my life i have fitted this pattern of behaviour and i have hidden behind blame therefore giving away the responsibility and the power to change my thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours to anyone and everyone who has ever abused, neglected or abandoned me, "they broke me, so its up to them to fix me", as you can imagined i stayed stagnant in my own self pity and learned nothing apart from the fact that acting in this manor is not helping me to be the master of me, this learning experience via the OU has reinforced my belief in my journey though life, i do not want to be nor am i going to be a master of the arts, science, math, literature, chemistry, biology or any other ology, i want to be and i will be a master of my thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours.


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