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How can we have a healthier world 🌏

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 24 Sept 2021, 00:46


Pollution in towns and cities- solutions-
How can we reduce dangerous toxic emissions that are killing off the population?

Everyone knows petrol fumes cause air pollution,  🌫 as does the burning of fossil fuels which rise up into the 🌪atmosphere, filling it with dangerous toxins, which are bad for the health!
Electric cars 🚙are being introduced into towns also electric buses 🚎🚌and trams to combat this pollution problem. These vehicles use batteries and need to be charged, so more charging points 🔌will be required , to be put into  various places around the town.
Factories 🏭and local businesses also need to significantly cut or reduce emissions 🌪from fossil fuels 🌫and invest in renewable energies. This would greatly benefit the everyday lives of residents in terms of their health. Preventing conditions like asthma and other respiratory problems.

Landlords should make sure properties are using clean renewable energies. Solar, 🌞windpower 🌬or other 🌊 green energies. The Cutting of gas and fossil fuels to an absolute 🔥minimum from local residents, landlords and rented, housing associations.

Pedestrianisation of town centres with less traffic coming in and out of town, out of town car parks 🚙🚗(like park and ride scheme)  🚌to reduce traffic flow into town centres, with a total ban on traffic in some areas ⛔and more green spaces 🟩for citizens to relax in with cleaner air to breathe.

More outdoor areas🟩 for various 🎾⚽️sports🎳Exercise classes, 🏃‍♂️🧘‍♂️also 🎨Arts and crafts 🧶🧵group, 🎸🎙music and theatre in outdoor spaces.🎭 🖥This is all beneficial to the physical and mental health of its citizens. 🙂 It will also help people to socialise.(eventually)

Gardening projects for residents within town centre area with allotment 🟩🥦🥕projects also rooftop garden projects. These can be run as a peoples co-operative. Park projects using green spaces 🟩 for people to get exercise.

Cycle tracks to encourage people to take up cycling 🚵‍♀️and to keep cyclists safe and off the main roads.🛣

These are some of the targets post covid that local town councils should be now aiming for in an ideal world!

Will it ever happen I wonder?


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