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Thrifty !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 14:00

Now my module is finished for this term,  I have a little more time to reflect on the lockdown and how it has changed my life. 

Since the lockdown I have been doing a lot more recycling.
This includes things like buying my clothes from charity shops, instead of from the posh shops like Next, M&S and Dorothy Perkins.

This was mainly due to not wanting to travel on the bus, into the city and risk catching Covid 19 on the bus, or perhaps being asymptomatic, and not wanting to pass it on to others. I had no choice but to go local!

I have been able to pick up some really great bargains, like pair of new red shoes, a heater hardly used and a navy blue designer handbag at a lower knock down price!

Of course not everything can be bought in charity shops but many things can. Other items I managed to buy in the supermarket,  such as make up, socks, underwear and toiletries.

This I never did before,  because I always worried about the quality, but I had to do it, to avoid leaving the area and travelling by bus. It has actually worked out not too bad, as I also saved on bus fare!

One day I needed a spare chair for the garden,  in case we had visitors (now that we can meet outdoors) and when I was walking along I came across a skip.

There I found a garden chair and a bench, that was just what I needed , all there was to do was  a little repair job!
so with a hammer, nails, some wood glue and paint I
soon got to work and fixed them up! 
I then painted them bright green to match the colour scheme I had going on in the garden.

In the skip I also found a cupboard, which was very useful for my kitchen, and could be made into like a display cabinet to go on the wall!

Maybe,  perhaps  because of the lockdown,  I have learned to become a little bit more thrifty!

🏮👜👒👠👗🛍🖼🗄 🥏🥿🛋

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Judith McLean

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Hi Gill

Lockdown has made a few of us reflect 

Now sure if I ever want to trek round the shops again 

Supermarket for the usual 

Online for the rest

I was in a garden centre yesterday and I felt so claustrophobic  Not due to the building, it was the people hemming me in when I was trying to look at items.   

Even at the checkout they were practically breathing down my neck. I felt so relieved when I got outside into the fresh air  

Charity shops are a great way to shop

When my kids were small they had no idea that most of their ‘brand clothes’ came from charity shops. 


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Hi Judith,

Yes I am really worried about indoor spaces. Next week I am going to take a bus for the first time for 6months to visit my eldest son. However we will be mostly outdoors in his shared garden. Glad I had my 2 jabs.

Best wishes Gill