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Taking a Walk on a summers day.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 11 Aug 2024, 16:27

Yesterday got off to a bright and sunny start. Finished my studies early and did my carer's duties.

Coffee and muesli for breakfast in the back garden.We listened to the beautiful bird 🕊🦅song and watched the various birds landing on the bird bath and feeding station. 🐦By sitting very still and quiet the birds did not even know we were there.

We had just finished eating breakfast when the HA gardening team arrived noisily, with the sit- on lawn mower which they have to use for our garden, because it has quite a large lawn. 🏠🚜
it is done by the team, because it's so large! We could never manage to do it by ourselves.

I moved the chairs and the little round table,  back onto the patio from the lawn, to let them have a clear space to drive around the lawn.
We then brought the cats 🐈🐈 into the porch out of the way to be safe and not impede the man on the mower. 🚜🏠
We decided to leave the gardeners to it and go into the village to do some shopping.

 After this we took the footpath back past the field. As we followed the path, I really enjoyed looking at the large daisies, blue🦋 forget me nots and red poppies 🌺along the way. Cheerful birdsong was coming from the nearby trees.🌲🌳🌲🌳

In the next field we stopped to stroke the beautiful white🦄 horse and we gave him a carrot to munch, 🥕which he quickly chomped down in no time!
He then rewarded us by a lovely display of galloping and playful frolicking about in the field!

Continuing on our journey we came off the footpath called gypsy lane, that has a pretty meadow of wild flowers, and at the next exit we crossed into a little lane, which leads to a longfootpath running alongside the cemetry.

At last we arrived🏡 home, hot and exhausted but where we could cool down, use a fresh wet flannel, and sit in the lovely tidy back garden, in the shade beneath the cool evergreen trees and eat a delicious bowl of ice cold ice cream. 🍧🍧

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The description of your day, has really made me feel that l was on that journey with you  !

My garden is full of beautiful birds including three woodpeckers that have taken a fancy to the telegraph pole ! fingers crossed they do not decided to peck the wires!😊 It is great to live the country and to be able to appreciate all that nature has to offer .

I hope you also enjoy your day today.

Take care


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Hi Hèdè,

Thank you for your comment.

Yes I like living here in the country ,although it is a bit off the beaten track from towns and cities sometimes.

Delighted to hear about your woodpecker! I wish I could see a woodpecker, as I have not seen one yet in all the time I have lived here. Perhaps I am not looking in the right places!

However, I did see a kingfisher once, not in my garden but at a nearby stream. He was diving down for insects and he was all blue and iridescent with touch of colur. I just wished I had my camera with me at that moment!

Well nice chatting with you about birds.

Best wishes with your course and have a great summer.
