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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 22:53

Pour le moment je fais une pause, mais je continue toujours la lecture en Français.
                       📖 📚
Je lis des histoires de detective 'Maigret ' par George Simenon. J'aime lire des romans policiers, c'est très intéressant, cela m'aide à apprendre le vocabulaire français.

Je suis aussi en train de lire la série ' 'Toi et Moi' juste pour m'amuser, c'est parce que c'est facile a lire, et pour pratiquer la langue Française.

Pour terminer, je voudrais vous souhaiter de très agréable vacances ou vacance chez - soi !



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Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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Hi Gill, 🙂

I might try reading some of those. I'm always looking for easier French novels to read.

My reading level is reasonably good (GCSE A Level), my writing less so - and my speaking level... well, better not even go there. 😂


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Hi Matt,

Thank you for your kind comments. Pleased that you could understand what I said. If I don't practise french  I am afraid I might loose it.  It's like use it or loose it type of thing! When My friend  rings me she wants to speak in English to practise English.

I have to say "en Francais s' il vous plait!!"  lol!  So that she speaks in French to me!

Hope you have a good summer.

Best wishes 


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Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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Hi Gill,

Yes, I could understand what you wrote very well. It's very clear. Much better than my French writing ability. 🙂

Have a great summer.


Judith McLean

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Hi Gill and Matt

My French language experience consisted of a crap teacher. First Two years in high school and I couldn’t even count to ten

He sat at his desk reading god knows what and taught us nothing  

We were on the ground floor and often the lads would climb out the window and take off, he never bothered


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Hi Judith,

I agree with you that the standard of french teaching is appalling in this country. A native french speaker is always good,  in school we had a lovely french lady who made french easy and fun. After that we only had bad ones unfortunately.

The OU has been very good and the tutors are all excellent.
