Edited by Catherine Pestano, Monday, 11 Oct 2021, 16:55
This menopause transition time is an area where I am very active and tend to generate more in the grey literature area including resources, podcasts and talks, for example corporate input and conferences such as at the Whitehall & Industry group. My frank and open approach and the detail I provide is welcomed and all fees support my ongoing work in this area. I have also authored on this topic
for Nursing faculty at the OU and more generally. I am very active currently in relation to this area inside and outside the Open University.
I offer shorter and longer courses in many aspects of the menopause including general overview, mental health, exercise, reflecting on your own experience at work, changing workplace culture on menopause, and many more. I am also available to guest lecture,
for the normal fees.
A few publications & resources below, and many more slides etc are available:
This first has a music and voice focus: Pestano, C. (2021). A Time of Change . In K. S. Hendricks
& J. Boyce-Tillman (Eds.), Music and Spirituality Series: Vol. 7. Living Song: Singing, Spirituality, and Wellbeing. Oxford, England: Peter
This is about the double national award winning diversity and innovation project that I catalysed and led on menopause in a council workplace: Pestano, C. (2018) “An unmentionable
change”. In Public Sector Focus. Issue 17 July/Aug 2018. Colourfield Publishing
Limited, Bolton, England, UK
International Women's Day in March and World Menopause awareness day in October are calendar dates when it can be interesting to schedule a guest speaker.
I can be contacted at Catherine.pestano [at] open.ac.uk
The menopause journey
This menopause transition time is an area where I am very active and tend to generate more in the grey literature area including resources, podcasts and talks, for example corporate input and conferences such as at the Whitehall & Industry group. My frank and open approach and the detail I provide is welcomed and all fees support my ongoing work in this area. I have also authored on this topic for Nursing faculty at the OU and more generally. I am very active currently in relation to this area inside and outside the Open University.
I offer shorter and longer courses in many aspects of the menopause including general overview, mental health, exercise, reflecting on your own experience at work, changing workplace culture on menopause, and many more. I am also available to guest lecture, for the normal fees.
A few publications & resources below, and many more slides etc are available:
This first has a music and voice focus:
Pestano, C. (2021). A Time of Change . In K. S. Hendricks & J. Boyce-Tillman (Eds.), Music and Spirituality Series: Vol. 7. Living Song: Singing, Spirituality, and Wellbeing. Oxford, England: Peter Lang.
This is about the double national award winning diversity and innovation project that I catalysed and led on menopause in a council workplace:
Pestano, C. (2018) “An unmentionable change”. In Public Sector Focus. Issue 17 July/Aug 2018. Colourfield Publishing Limited, Bolton, England, UK
Library Lunch Web interview - this is very like the workplace talks that I offer: a short webcast interview on this topic https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1146088889096061&ref=watch_permalink
International Women's Day in March and World Menopause awareness day in October are calendar dates when it can be interesting to schedule a guest speaker.
I can be contacted at Catherine.pestano [at] open.ac.uk