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Fibromyalgia Awareness Week.

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Edited by Hede Maria Cavell, Monday, 13 Sep 2021, 14:26

As a suffer of this condition and those of you who have it, we  know it can effect and restrict our everyday living as it is tailored literally to the individual and so makes it difficult for  us to be put into boxes. By raising money to fund research, it will assist health professionals and others understand this condition more.  For  us as suffers, the main thing  to raise awareness.

  Fibro Fundamentals with FMA UK - YouTube,  gives the information that will actually help sufferers  and others  to understand this condition, the presentation is clear and it includes research and scans of the brain which shows it is a real condition and  how fibromyalgia  affects us.  

 Research is constantly progressing, such as Fibromyalgia may be a condition of the immune system not the brain – study | Fibromyalgia | The Guardian.   
 The positive side of this is, we are incredible people that can adapt as every day for us, is different and therefore we learn not to be  fearful of change even though frustration and pain  can regularly bring us to tears .  We have to know and accept our limits .We have to be  determined and patient  due to the fact that we can be rejected by those who have little or no idea of what this condition is . It can have a huge  impact  on our mental wellbeing  as well as the physical, through our everyday lives. We have to stop being so  hard on ourselves !

THIS IS A REAL CONDITION and therefore with research and awareness we can assist people with  understanding the complexities of this condition.  

If you are interested in raising the profile of this condition or even finding out more or wish to volunteer click on the link. Information tab will take you to information that you can also download. 

We need to be able to talk about this  hidden disability and not hide away.   

FMA UK - FMA UK - UK's National charity for fibromyalgia

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Hi Hede,

I looked up fibromyalgia on wikipedia. I had heard about it before and knew it was quite a serious illness. There are some illnesses like this one where the person appears to look physically ok but there are some people who do not look ok but they all are suffering from terrible pain. There is weakness and tiredness within the whole body.

This must be very difficult and requires medication and pain management. I can only sympathise with what you must be going through and hope that you can find relief and help through medication and other beneficial therapies that calm the symptoms.

Best wishes 💐 💗


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God Bless you 🙏

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Thank you Gill,

The condition is a difficult one to pin down as everyone as  it displays itself differently in everyone. Some  of the common themes are; pain, fatigue and brain fog, however that  is just the tip of the iceberg. Research is now linking it to the autoimmune system, it would be so good to be able to raise funding to continue the research for this condition . Sadly as there is little awareness  of this debilitating condition many have viewed it with contempt! 

Fingers crossed with more awareness  and education some people  will be able to understand this condition with a little  more compassion than they do at the moment. 
