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Thank God for audiobooks, ( or should that be Amazon?) !.

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This week has thrown up its little  challenges as it does for all of us, however l see these as just that challenges to see how we can adapt  and overcome and that it is ok if we can not complete those challenges because the time is obviously not right yet.  Start  of the week, 'flare', which hindered  my  compelling read!   As it  had not hindered my listening skills l searched the web to see if l could find an audio  copy  of the book l was engrossed in and 'Bingo' 

  'Parting Words, 9  Lessons for a Remarkable Life' by Benjamin Ferencz.

 This book was given to me by my Aunt. Benjamin Ferencz was the chief prosecutor for the United States at Nuremberg. It gives the  account of his life with subtle  humour and plain  language. It is thought provoking and to me, his outlook on life totally makes sense. From the beginnings of his early life being born in  Transylvania  Romania in the same house, to the same Jewish  parents but having a different nationality to his sister, (sister being Hungarian and himself being Romanian ) this book charts his remarkable life through to the present.

Having read  some and listened to this wonderful book and with the lessons resounding in my mind, l scrolled  down the audio book and came across, 'Intellectuals and society'  ( book version, revised and enlarged ed) by Thomas Sowell. 

This book also did not disappoint with  again written with humour, plain language  and engaging case studies, Thomas Sowell, explores the, ' Occupational Intellectual' . In my opinion l found this book to be very thought provoking and l found myself thinking why and  who we perceive to be  the 'occupational intellectual' .  What or who determines the ranks of  that position  is it experience gained in the relevant  profession , (ground floor up) in the present or is it past experience and knowledge ?  Or  could it be a combination of all ? This book is enlightening  and covers all of society.  Again thought provoking in the way it challenges all points of views regarding this subject.  

My final audio book this week has been ,'I'm Spiritual Dammit!' by Judith Weigel, A great listen to end my week written with humour regarding the spiritual side of life very profound and enjoyable.

 Instead of fighting the 'flare' l just went with it and instead of feeling guilty for what l couldn't there and then, l had the, upside,  I found my books on audio books and  l am now able to take up the baton and do some more reading and get my teeth into this years, module.  

 Wishing  you all  a great weekend. 😊

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