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First impressions- excellent!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 21 Nov 2021, 18:00

📒🖊✏ 📚 💻

I have been readng module E302 unit one yesterday and unit two today on the OU module website. I have also been listening and watching the first video about creative linguistics. It was very interesting, Reading the books in order, book 1 and 2  appear to be the main books to read first for this particular block. Although there are no numbers on books,  it seems it goes just by the titles.

 Finding it quite difficult to remember all the different  technical words i am coming across,  how to remember them all?  so I have decided I must make a glossary of all these words. in order to remember what each word means. It is going to be a long list!  Then I will pin it up on the wall, so I will be able to see it all times to remind myself!

I will probably have to read  through the units again next week,  to make sure it is all fixed firmly in my mind. Thank goodness for the induction  sessions,   which really gives you a chance to get off to a flying start!

Went to the taster session last night to understand how to use the technology and found it very informative and  helpful. The tutor was very patient and calm. I think another session and I will have it completely nailed. Anyway I think I am off to a good start!

Thank you OU for these very useful sessions !


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