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What about a Green New Deal?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 18 Nov 2021, 22:40


Why doesn't the government
erect more wind turbines, insulate more homes, replace old gas boilers and subsidise electric cars?
This will stimulate the economy, provide jobs and COMBAT  CLIMATE CHANGE!
The Green 'New Deal' seems to make a lot of sense! So why not do it?

I will tell you why not, because this government are capitalists, and they will only produce for profit, so this is what will happen. Nothing much!
Instead many will go hungry, fall into poverty, become homeless or have precarious housing and precarious jobs. It could happen to any of us!  All because of Climate change many people are becoming Climate casualties around the world.

A new system is needed,  whereby production is for use,  not for profit. This can only be done when productive resources,  stop being owned by the big capitalist corporations (making the rich even richer)  instead become common property,  under the democratic social control of everyone in society.   A collaboration to work and use the resources of the planet 'properly' and with 'care' to secure a decent life for everyone.

Time is running out for the planet read Revelation in the Bible!  ⌛

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