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DWP discrimination against landline telephones .

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Edited by Hede Maria Cavell, Wednesday, 24 Nov 2021, 10:54
Why is it that the DWP are so insistent on their automated lines at just being able to take mobile numbers?
What has the landline number ever done to them ?
Is it because the DWP can save money by discriminating  against certain groups in society that prefer or only have access to a landline due to lack of mobile signal  in their area ?
As this is meant to be a public service surely  it should be the publics' right to choose mobile or landline.
Again l feel that our  choices are being slowly eroded away when it comes to public services  to suit certain groups  who have no foresight or understanding of the term 'inclusive'   with regard to society as a whole.

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Hi Hede,

I agree there should be more choice for the public. They want everyone to fit into a little  box you are young, you are old, you are fat, you are thin, you are black you are white, you are male you are female and so on. I think you should be allowed to use a land line if it is more convenient for you, why not!

They want to make us like robots and autonoms.  What is happening to our humanity?

A kind polite helpful word?

Time to explain ourselves in full with all the facts!

Not just what they want to hear to tick in their boxes. Computer says yes or computer says no. It is all just bureaucracy, We are human beings with actual real lives,  that are messy and complicated at times. Some of us just need time to catch up with all this technology, so just be considerate of us, DWPs and try to be a bit  understanding and treat us kindly.

Hope you get on ok. Best wishes.
