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Ageism- it's like discrimination!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 25 Jan 2022, 19:52

When I went to register for Covid booster jab (as the government have said all people over 50 are now allowed to have the Covid Booster jab) the receptionist looked at me and  didn't believe I was over 50. "You only look in your forties !"  Receptionist said looking sceptical, but then she checked the computer. "O yes, you are over 50 sorry about that madam"  you are definitely on the list,  and you have received a reminder to register. You can go along to the vaccination centre in the city. " Computer said yes!
Wonderful ! 

"Yes I know, but I don't  have a car,  I am not going to make a 60 mile round  journey on the bus to the city, which cost me nearly £10,  plus the taxi another £8 to go the vaccination centre, then back again so all in all, with a coffee,  £20 altogether, why can't I just  have the jab with all the other oldies here!

So I am having it here now with all the other oldies! !
I can't help it if I look young it must be my good Scottish genes!

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Hi Gill,

What a boost ! Whatever your doing it must be working well !

So pleased that you are able to have the booster there instead of having to travel so far. Mind you if you did have to go, you could always try claiming the travel fare back from the NHS  !😂

Take care 


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Hi Hede,

Thank you. Yes that's true i could have claimed expenses I never thought of that! lol!
