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Into our storms

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 17 Dec 2021, 19:13


The Wind howled, lightening flashed! All of a sudden it was blowing a gale. We were caught out in a storm one day walking back from the nearby village. 


I honestly thought I was going to die. Terror filled my heart. The sky had become black, lightening bolts were crashing all around us and I didn't feel safe at all!

I just began to pray aloud, I prayed the our father and I asked God for his help and protection. The storm didn't weaken but we made it back home safely. I must have ran as fast as an olympic runner that day!

I just don't know how we made it back in one piece but I felt a sense of blessed assurance of God's presence at that time as we reached home.

It reminds me of when the disciples had been in the boat with Jesus on the lake when a terrible storm arrived and tested those rugged fishermen. They too thought that they would die but Jesus spoke to the storm he calmed the storm and the elements obeyed him.

Likewise, the Lord invites us to trust him in our storms. Sometimes he miraculously stills the winds and the waves or sometimes he does something else miraculous; he steadies our hearts and helps us to trust him. He asks us to trust him because he has the power to say to the waves "Peace! be still!"

When the tempest rages may he speak to our soul as we trust him especially at this particular time in the trouble of the pandemic. May he reassure us of his presence.

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