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Counting the Cost

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 24 Jan 2022, 18:05

Just submitted TMA 02. Everything went ok,  but I only managed to get it submitted before the cut off date!
It has been difficult to concentrate at the moment, because at the begining of the year,  I often tend to look back at what events have taken place over the previous year.

At the start of this current pandemic,  I had not really heard or known of anyone nearby who had been infected with Covid 19. A couple of years on, and we have now lost a few more of our friends to the Covid19 virus. 

Recently I lost my good friend Rosie, who was rosie by nature too ! always so cheerful and bright, she had worked with me at the local charity shop,  a few years ago, she had worked tirelessly for many years , both for the Hospice shop and as a care worker in the charity's hospices.

 Then my dear older friend Gwen died who lived in my street, in the bungalows, who also lost her son (he was around my age)  she was a good customer in the shop,  she came in each monday regularly to buy a little something. She always made us laugh with her good sense of humour and optimistic outlook!

These were all valued members of the community who had lived and worked here most of their lives, so they were well known characters in the village. They will be sadly missed.

Although most were elderly who have died from Covid19, you feel it was a rather a bit prematurely, as they seemed quite healthy at the time.

 I have also known some younger members of the community, aged 30-40 who have had Covid very  badly,  one of whom has since died ( underlying healthproblems) and two have been hospitalised on ventilators. These only just managed to  survive, I only hope they will not suffer from long Covid, as a result of the Covid virus.

 There again I have known many people who have had Covid, who have suffered no worse effects than having had a very bad flu. How do you know if you are one of the lucky ones or one of the unlucky ones who get it very badly and die of it? It just seems so random. I took the vaccine because I mainly wanted to protect my family.

I hope you are all keeping well and managing to stay safe and healthy. We are in a battle! Keep on studying and stay positive!

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