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This morning- Before my studies!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 11 Feb 2022, 10:04

The garden was covered in a white frost this morning. At first I thought it had snowed overnight,  but no, it was like a fine white frost with  ice chrystals, resembling icing sugar,  that looked as though it had been scattered about, on the lawn and the trees, glittering like diamonds in the pale winter sunshine.

On the path in the frost, I noticed the fresh dark paw prints of the cats!
I knew they were both about somewhere but where? under the hedges or in the shed? or the summer house? or under next-doors caravan in the drive? or perhaps under the tall evergreen trees in the back garden? or behind the house in the little wood under the rickety old bench?
Suddenly a flock of birds flew up and out from the little wood at the side of the house.  

That was a bit of a give away!
I tiptoed as quietly as I could along the little footpath that runs past the front window and along to the end of the house. There I peered through the fence into the little wood, beside the house, and I could just see the smaller striped cat creeping slowly up a tree, tail flicking, ears pricked, he was ready to pounce on a little bird on the lower branch. I tapped with a spoon on his plate

" Come on! Tyger,  dinner time!" he turned his head quickly, looking around him , all bewildered with  his ears twitching. At that moment the little bird flew away and past by him to safety. The cat then came running eagerly towards me, ready to forget his fun and games, and to eat some tasty fresh fishy morsels!

"Now, where is that other cat hiding I wonder? "   🐈⚱

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