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Organising my time wisely

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 25 Sep 2023, 12:56

Finding it is easier for me to study in the mornings,  rather than the afternoons. I have a lot on my mind at present but  find I have a lot more energy in the morning time.(except where there are appointments) I will stick to this but being flexible if necessary.

So having to go through re-registering process again, and proving he was in the at- risk group.

The afternoons are for going out shopping, cleaning, walking and cooking the meal.

Today I studied narratives in the work place. Chapter 3.  These narratives include founding story of the company, company identity, which includes company logo, CVs and interviews. I am in the process of reading this chapter again,  then I will attempt the activities.

I am enjoying this module and finding it stimulating. The reading materials are excellent as well as the online units with audios.

Later I will go for a walk as I have to collect the Organic Vegetables, from the Vege sellers which is about half an hours walk to the edge of village.  That will be my exercise for today!

I will then do the shopping in my local supermarket, then cook family meal. I usually do my cleaning late afternoon, or at night time when it is quiet.

My English Degree finishes in May.  So I hope I can make it!

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Maya Salem

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I’m the opposite find it impossible in the mornings!

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Hi Maya,

Thank you for your comment. I know what you mean,  I used to be the same !

Best wishes


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Hi Maya,

Good luck with your studies !
