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Retribution for critiquing the government ? DWP shake up !

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Edited by Hede Maria Cavell, Thursday, 27 Jan 2022, 14:38

I cannot but think that the government’s strategy regarding employment sanctions, (DWP) is another rash and knee jerk reaction to put  the voters in their place.

 My questions are these;

 What will be the cost to the mental- wellbeing of people ?  

 What will be the Impact on charities and  their volunteers ?

Will there be extra  funding for charities that are already underfunded to make up for the shortfall in

 volunteers ?

Is the strategy to take away  valuable resources for the public so that there will be less help available to the vulnerable ?  

Who makes the decision as to what sector is right for the person without knowing an individuals circumstances? 

Will this 'forced labour' ultimately improve or ruin our economy ?

Will the employers be backing the educational scheme to 'up skill' without the employee footing the bill?

How will the government monitor this and will there be sanctions for the business who do not comply ?

Will there be changes to the working practices and  contracts to accommodate the DWPs vision to shove anyone anywhere ? How will this be monitored ? 

This government appears to be hell bent on glorification for itself at the cost of society. 

Again what incentive has the DWP actually given to people to join the workforce  ? As far as l can see they have  penalized students for studying, taken away extra money when working extra hours, and cannot fulfil  their  own time scale on assessments !   

 The staff on the ground floor are amazing and have to put up with the flack from the public. They are the  cannon fodder for the hierarchy of this antiquated system. Perhaps the hierarchy should come away from their desks and generic computers and actually interact face to face with the public that are trying to gain access or already  in the system.   There needs to be a change for an uncomplicated system that is easily excisable to all. 

 Appreciate and tolerate society then you encourage a productive workforce. Sanction and and punish society  at their most vulnerable leads to resentment, anger, frustration and a less productive workforce. 

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Hi Hede,

This new rule seems very unfair, especially if somebody has spent so much time and effort,  in gaining a qualification in their chosen subject, then to just be told you have to work in a job that you have no interest in it at all! There is nothing better in life than to be working in a job you love and believe in it. Surely it is more beneficial to have a happy work force?

How would Boris like it I wonder!

Stay safe 


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Hi Gill,

would totally agree with you.  It appears that the whole of society is having to pay for all the furore and mishaps this government has caused.