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UK Governments Election Bill. Are the government throwing democracy under the buss?

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Edited by Hede Maria Cavell, Friday, 18 Feb 2022, 18:27

 The Election Bill is making it's way through parliament. How many of us have taken an interest in this?

Is this the end of democracy for all and we are sleepwalking right into it? Once it is passed how many will complain when being turned away from the polling station for not having the right identification ? Do we really care or do we accept it for what it is and just complain that it is not fair and carry on?

 Part of the proposed bill wishes for all that are eligible to vote to have mandatory photo ID .

That's no problem l hear you cry, but what if you do not or cannot afford a passport ?What if you do not drive? What if you do not possess any photo ID? Why should you be penalised from voting?

Fortunately you  will be able to apply for a 'free' photo ID card from the government. Problem solved ? With all the current bureaucracy would it reach you in time to vote or conveniently turn up after the election ? 

The reason given to this part of the bill (photo ID),is to cut down fraud at the polls.

The figures suggest that there are minimal fraudulent acts at the ballot box, and those acts are dealt  with according to the law already.

Cutting fraud is always a good call but, how much will this cost  the tax payer? 'Free' sounds great but when you think of the cost behind the word 'free' it soon mounts up !  Is this another money wasting exercise in such  sensitive times for many ?

With the new reforms, l question what faith do they have in the regulator?

Is it the case that the government do not trust the competency of the regulator?

Will people be willing to apply for a 'free photo ID card' or will they not bother? How will their right to vote be affected? 

Is it right that some groups will be more privileged than others ? What will the consequences be in regard to voting and the outcomes for society as a whole?

How is that valuing diversity and leveling up inequality to all those in society that have right to vote at the moment?

The bill will  also give the government authority over the Independent electoral regulator. (Can that be right ?)

Please follow the links to forge your own opinion.

Elections Bill 2021: Summary factsheet - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The electoral register and the 'open register' - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The Government must not disenfranchise low-income voters at the polls | JRF

The UK has low levels of proven electoral fraud. There remains no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud in 2019. 595 cases of alleged electoral fraud were investigated by the police. Of these, four led to a conviction and two individuals were given a police caution. Our views and research | Electoral Commission ( Accessed 18/02/22).

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