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Studying and bird song !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 12 Mar 2022, 17:51

There was lots of wind and showers around this morning, but the afternoon turned out lovely and sunny. I felt the warmth of the sun and I was filled with hope again for my studies in the spring and summer to come.

I spent the morning in the small box room. The window was open and as I sat at the desk, I could hear the birds singing cheerfully in the wood at the side of my house. On the roof top  of the house directly in the front, above the pines,  birds were gathering all together. Wood pidgeons, starlings, blackbirds and magpies. They were twittering and chirping merrily all together. It seems like a long while since I heard so many birds singing all at once! Such lovely music to hear, It made me stop and smile.

I was able to read block 2 and try to work my way through to the end of the book, while at the same time working on TMA 03. I took notes on the I- Pad as I went along.  Hopefully I will get my second wind soon,  and be well on my way to the finishing line in May for module E302.  I must just think positively!

I hope everyone is enjoying their studies.🙂

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