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Personal Blogs

Personal Appearance - Is it a barrier ?

Visible to anyone in the world

Listening to LBC this morning l  was sparked to write as someone had criticised the personal appearance of  Boris Johnson on the 'world stage'. 

How much have we been influenced by past generations as to' appearance is everything', is it really ?

A person that wears a suit and  has a 'good'  haircut and a smile - professional?  what are the  first perceptions ? Educated, good  status, trustworthy, medical professional, cleaning operative, lower class, or  hidden disability ?

A person  scruffily dressed, tattoos, ear piercings, dyed hair, ? First perceptions ?Uncaring , disinterested, criminal, unintelligent , lower class,   medical professional, scholar,  artist, or  valuing their diversity?

Are we still more interested in 'the look' rather than the capability ? 

 Can this be a big deflection to our progress ?

We have come along way but there is still  is the perception of what you look like defines you. 

What does it achieve when we criticise personal appearance? Control? Were is the diversity? 

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