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World Earth Day

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 22 Apr 2022, 22:01

Today is World Earth Day. In face of all that has happened over the last 3 years Pandemic, Brexit and the War, between Ukraine and Russia. We may feel a little complacent about matters to do with Climate change at the moment. Yet Now may be a good time as any to assess the situation as it is. This may be the opportune time to look at how we are using energy and from where it comes.

Perhaps it is now the time to move away from our dependency on fossil fuels of gas, petrol and oil and to think about the alternatives.

The situation with Russian and Ukraine war
and Russian oil and gas dependency have prompted some countries to move away from fossil fuels all together and to look for more home grown energy sources like green energy.

In countries like Belgium for example where they have delayed the decommissioning of Nuclear Power plants, or France who have said they will now build even more.
However Germany still want to decommision their Nuclear plants. Instead they will have to rely on coal and gas at least in the short term .

What is Climate change?
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas), which produces heat-trapping gases.
(Oxford English Dictionary.)

What are the effects of Climate change?

• Rising sea levels.

• Shrinking mountain glaciers.

• Ice melting at a faster rate than usual in Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic.

• Changes in flower and plant blooming time.

• More Flooding

• Intensive agriculture and soil erosion

• Loss of hedgerows 

• Loss of species like insects.

• Deforestation and land slides

• Drought in some places

• Fires in various hot spots

What can be done?

Switch to sustainable transport. Bicycles, walking, electric cars, public transport or to get to work have a car share system.

Power our homes, businesses and Offices with ' green energies' Like solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal power.

keep our homes Warm. Homes shouldn’t be damp and draughty. Insulate walls and loft. Double glaze the windows. Use heat pumps and other green energy sources.

Encourage vegan diets by eating more vegetables. Eat less meat.

Restore nature to absorb more carbon. Plant more trees. 'Rewild' parts of our garden.

Protect forests.

Protect the oceans. 

Reduce how much we consume.

For example do not keep buying clothes when you don't need to.

Use Charity or Vintage shops.

Shops should do more to help,  by selling reduced-price older stock clothing.

Reduce plastic use. 
plastic is made from oil.
It takes many years to degrade! Look for alternatives things that are more biodegradable.

Paper, paper bags, Cardboard boxes. etc..

This are some of the cause and  effect of Global warming can have and what we can do to help.

Just to make things clearer and what the bible says as a warning  "The earth will wear out like a moth eaten garment" (Isaiah ) and  "God will punish those who are ruining the Earth" (Revelation)

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