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Chancellors Announcement, (My thoughts).

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After yesterdays announcement by the chancellor, and listening to radio discussions this morning,  with all the negative analysis that is being raised, l thought l might point out what l think maybe some of the positives to some of the concerns l heard this morning.


Old IT systems and the algorithms not up to scratch to handle  such a huge population payment ,can cause  difficulties with reprogramming  thus blanket payment relieves pressures and quicker payments.

Means testing 

If you are going to means test the whole of the population, at its current rate many would have expired from the wait due to staff shortages and appeals !

 MP's and wealthier parts of society, versus their conscious.

 MP's and wealthier parts of the community have to decided wether or not they have a strong commitment to society, and constituents, through the  chancellor's words of 'donating' to charity.  (This  may assist  in weeding  out those that think more of  their pockets  than society!)

Rome was not built in a day but,  as a society when we shout loud enough we can be heard.

 Before l go, for those that feel l maybe a bit naïve  and this was a ploy to alleviate the hangover of the Sue Gray report, it might of been, but somewhere along the line someone took stock and did listen.

Have a great weekend !


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