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Comparing Countries.

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Why is it that we compare ourselves to other countries ?

Each country is unique, from the  demographics to societal culture and history.

How can we compare our working  and societal models to other countries ?  

What is it that we truly have in common with other countries ?  Answer; We are human .

We use broken work models such as target setting which have done nothing but cause panic and anxiety to those that are on the ground floor trying to do their best along with staff shortages.

 Education is now mainly sponsored by big companies .Academy sponsor list - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

How to Attract Sponsors and Partners to Your School | School Procurement | The Headteacher.

Who in the end is making a profit from that and how can education then be impartial?

These models do not work yet we still persist because it works in some  other western countries with different work ethics and values due to their own culture.

Is it time to take stock, stop comparing ourselves with other countries , review, educate ourselves about our society and our country and build strong foundations which are tailored to our country and not others. . 

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