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A Short Pause !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 3 Aug 2023, 19:12

Tuesday, we had an outing(unplanned) but for our usual annual visit to the city, that turned out quite well!
Husband had found time to take us for a shopping trip. Main reason for trip was essential winter  shopping, warm trousers for him,  and winter night clothes for me.We brought our own sandwiches and drinks with us.

The city looked well lit up and pretty,  with lots of bright sparkly christmas decorations, trees and a nativity scene , a much better display than what we had in our little village, which is going to be more low key this year, with a much smaller christmas  tree.

The usual shops were visited Primark, Next, peacocks, M&S, Wilkos and the wool shop.
We soon found warm corded trousers for him,  at a reasonable price. I found a warm cosy dressing gown, thermal slipper socks, warm PJs. 

We bought some family  presents, got some bargains and a warm Scottish scarf which I was not expecting! At least we will be warm in the body even if we do have to turn down heating in the house this year!!!

We ate our sandwiches in the small quiet park, then we went for a drink near the cathedral. Next our traditional visit to the "little choclate shop". There we bought Box of Belgium choclates and couple of chocolate gifts for family.

The exercise of walking was good and I felt invigorated after weeks of indoor studying. The walk back to the bus station felt bracing in the cold fresh breeze.
The stress just lifted off my shoulders at least for one day. Retail therapy - It felt really good!


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