Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 11:05
This morning I woke up with the birdsong. The weather was lovely outside and I wondered if it was too good to be true.Has the winter really gone yet? so I went to look outside and yes, it felt a little bit warmer! However I felt cautious and put my warm navy coat and red beret and scarf on just in case.
✝️ I looked at the calendar and it saw that today was good friday. I just had time to get my shoes on and join in the Walk of Witness a walk following the Cross of Christ through the village and singing "The old rugged cross" well I do love singing!
I had not been to a public gathering since before the pandemic so a bit nervous! Saw some ladies I know and we had a quick chat before setting out on the walk. The walk itself was mostly silent with hymns at the begining and at the end of walk, but silent during the walk, as a mark of respect for "Our Lord".
The vicar as usual went on ahead to hold up the traffic as all the congregation crossed over the main road together. A lot of the walkers waved to people they knew along the high street. We came to a halt outside the Methodist Church. Each year the Easter friday service is held in different churches or villages, we are very multi -faith here. I believe It is good to get together with others to show strength of feeling for something important. This includes protest marches too!
I think people of all faiths everywhere should visit each others churches from time to time, and join together with other faiths, instead of having all this fighting in the world!
It was nice to have a cup of tea and cake afterwards and a chat to some of the lonely old age pensioners of the communiry, some who have suffered, struggled and survived the Covid pandemic, as well as the on- going cost of living crisis. It was a great social occasion as well as a time of deep reflection.
Time now to get back to earth and home, to get down to some serious TMA studying!
Join together in a peaceful march!
This morning I woke up with the birdsong. The weather was lovely outside and I wondered if it was too good to be true.Has the winter really gone yet? so I went to look outside and yes, it felt a little bit warmer! However I felt cautious and put my warm navy coat and red beret and scarf on just in case.
I looked at the calendar and it saw that today was good friday. I just had time to get my shoes on and join in the Walk of Witness a walk following the Cross of Christ through the village and singing "The old rugged cross" well I do love singing!
I had not been to a public gathering since before the pandemic so a bit nervous! Saw some ladies I know and we had a quick chat before setting out on the walk. The walk itself was mostly silent with hymns at the begining and at the end of walk, but silent during the walk, as a mark of respect for "Our Lord".
The vicar as usual went on ahead to hold up the traffic as all the congregation crossed over the main road together. A lot of the walkers waved to people they knew along the high street. We came to a halt outside the Methodist
Church. Each year the Easter friday service is held in different churches or villages, we are very multi -faith here. I believe It is good to get together with others to show strength of feeling for something important. This includes protest marches too!
I think people of all faiths everywhere should visit each others churches from time to time, and join together with other faiths, instead of having all this fighting in the world!
It was nice to have a cup of tea and cake afterwards and a chat to some of the lonely old age pensioners of the communiry, some who have suffered, struggled and survived the Covid pandemic, as well as the on- going cost of living crisis. It was a great social occasion as well as a time of deep reflection.
Time now to get back to earth and home, to get down to some serious TMA studying!