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Jim McCrory

Enlightenment Now; Are You sure?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 10:27

I had a dream in the night. I saw a herd of scientists, bankers, philosophers and the wise of the age moving over the plains like buffalo. Each following the other.

I tapped the young man on the shoulder and asked, “My brother, where art thou going?”

“I am following the enlightened; they have all the answers.”

“Pray tell, reveal these answers to me. Will the grieving mother see her child one day? Will the blind man see? Will the crying, beat- up souls who walk this homeless land find shelter? Will the armless, legless victims of war run like the Highland stag. Will the victims of  poverty, and hardship smile, like the morning sun?”

But he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “You will never understand.”


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