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A Story- Holidays once forgotten now remembered!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 18 Nov 2023, 14:04

As I looked out of the window of my room, the sun was rising on the horizon, casting its fiery beams across the sparkling sea.

From the open window, came the sound of the waves hitting the shore and retreating again, the sound reminds me of the breathing of the earth. It calms me.  I sit there motionless on the large window ledge, my legs dangling over,  listening and watching this sunny scene, unfolding before me just like a play.

Slowly figures start to appear walking across the sand, sandalled, suntaned,  sunglasses on, smiling. Looking happy, pleased to get away, away from it all, from all thar pollution, the politics, the propaganda, and the mundane dances, we all have to perform in life.

To be set free like caged birds being released at last,  to fly up and away into the saphire blue sky. I feel their pain and their pleasure, as if it was my very own.

I drank my cup of coffee and ate my toast with marmalade. No one can see me from up here,  far away in my ivory tower, my rented sea side appartment, where I watch the bathers as they begin racing each other, joyously towards the sea. 

I feel their joy and exhilaration as they throw themselves headlong, up against the strong, powerful, foaming waves, feeling their bodies vibrate with glee, as they close their eyes tightly against the salty sea spray.

The swimmers swim strongly against the waves,enjoying the feeling of being lifted up high then being pulled along by the changing currents, this reminded me of life, about being tossed about by difficult life circumstances we often have to face.

 We wonder if we can survive and if God will ever help us?

Their heads could barely be seen now,  bobbing about somewhere between the waves as they  disappear and reappear again.

At last they have reached the far side of the bay, where they emerge, safe wet, sandy and goose pimpled from the water. Here they race each other once more onto the beach, only to collapse exhausted onto the soft golden sand, laughing and rolling about!

I remembered that I used to do the same thing everyday myself once, when I was much younger, on holiday beside the sea so many moons ago!

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