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What I have been reading📚

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 22 Nov 2023, 19:09

The book of Revelation

The church has always seemed like a place of safety and refuge, a meeting place and a centre of christian learning but have they been misleading us?

Are they telling us everything we need to know?

Perhaps they don't want to frighten their congrehation too much.

They may be scared that if Jesus returns then they may lose all their power and their lifestyle.
But by not talking about it, they are holding back the important truth concerning the end times. They are afraid their congregation will leave the churches if they tell the truth. But truth is knowledge! they should tell the people about the coming apocalypse ( the revelation) because although it will be a time of trouble it will be also be the time that will bring Christ's return to earth. That's the good news!
However, the Bible is not afraid to talk about the end times, about the tribulation that will come upon this earth. The antichrist who will come will deceive all the nations, maybe who will seem like a good man, promising health, wealth and prosperity to all and asking people to take a  mark on their hand or on the head,(possibly a microchip) to show allegiance to him, but soon his mask will slip off and he will be revealed as the deceiver the evil one, the one the Bible warns us about. We can read of him in the chapter of Revelation

'Revelation' means revealing, uncovering, disclosing and making known. It was the last book of the Bible written by John one of the beloved disciples of Jesus. God was giving him insight and visions into what will take place in the latter times.

I recommend that you read the book of Revelation the last book in the Bible, it is a fascinating book! It opens with a blessing upon those who read it. Verse 3

Gods son Jesus (the one who looks like the son of man) in the vision, he gives his message,  to the seven churches.  The number 7 is quite significant in this book the number of perfection, completeness.
There are 7 days in the week for example, 7 churches that Jesus prophesied to,  through the disciple John, there are 7 candlesticks
7 trumpets. 

In the first chapters we are introduced to Jesus and his message.
Many of the prophecies have already been briefly foretold in the Bible in the gospels, but this book goes even further, particularly about the last days.
We  have the introduction to Jesus in chapters 1-3 and the revelation to the 7 churches. 7 eyes of God.
In Revelation Chapter 4 we have the beautiful vision of the throne of God. The four incredible creatures who worship around the throne of God.
Then there is the 7 scrolls or seals, that only Jesus is worthy to open. When the first seal is open, the horses of the apocalypse are seen bringing death, war, famine, plagues and the conquering horseman bent on conquest but who is he?
The antichrist !

Next the 4 angels are coming down to put a seal on Gods servants who are sealed to be saved they are Jewish people they are 144 thousand followers who are Jewish.
Following this, there came a great crowd of people(nonJews) appeared, they who were waving palm branches and worshipping God, they had come from every tribe and nation,  had survived out of the tribulation and come from all over the world to worship invthe holy city.

In Chapter 8 the 7 trumpets are sounded and some terrible plagues are unleashed. 

This sounds quite familiar to us in our times but worse! The bizare weather patterns become more turbulent hail, thunder, volcanos, hail storms, earthquakes, and a large meteorite! The waters turn bitter and everything is killed within it, when a huge star like a mountain fell from the sky into the sea. Chapter 9 sees Killer Locusts that can kill and destroy. Followed by horses who had smoke and sulphur coming from their mouths. The horses tails can also kill people. these are real or war machines.

Chapter 10 has the angel with the scroll and a prophecy.
Chapter 11 is where 2 good prophets come to the world warn the people with a clear warning. The first appearence of the beast, he comes out of the abyss and kills the two prophets. 

But they came back to life again after three days!  They then went up into heaven in a cloud, in front of all the people watching.

The next two chapters(12&13) are all about the fantastical beasts. There are three beasts one from the earth, one from the sea and the dragon, but I will  leave you to read those incredible chapters!

Whether it is symbolic or literal truth. It is a very interesting read,  but do not worry in chapter 21 and 22 all ends well and the justice of God overcomes Satan! 🌞

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