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Jim McCrory

Wish You Were Here

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 11:38

Some people have to get up every day and face a hostile world. Whether it be in the home, classroom or workplace, people work hard to be unkind.

Now, I have made an observation about unkind people. It's a simple observation: they are not happy. Does that surprise? It shouldn't. Scientific research continues to remind us that hippieness comes from doing kind things for others. A word, a deed, a simple "How are you?" that is heartfelt can make the world of difference. Decades ago, I had an experience that was never forgotten. Consider:

Every time I hear Rednex singing Wish You Were Here, I’m reminded of you. I had been reading Moberg’s book, The Emigrants, on our family trip over to Gothenburg. I decided that I would like to visit the Emigrant Museum in Växjö. When we arrived in the pretty town the following Friday, it was a beautiful July morning and I approached you and said, ‘Excuse me, can I park my car here?’

‘Sure, welcome, it is fine to park here,’ you replied with a kind smile.

You then continued by saying, ‘You are from where?’

‘Scotland,’ I replied.

‘Oh!’ you said, with a nod of approval.

After a few minutes when we were exploring the town, you came to tell us you made an error, and it was not a good place to park. You took us to another place and reassured us that the new location would be fine. I thanked you for taking the trouble. You looked hesitant, like you wanted to walk around with us, but the owl of Minerva flies at dusk as the expression goes; I would have welcomed you if I only thought.

After our morning at the museum, we went into a cafe and sat with some snacks and drinks. When I went to pay, the waitress said, ‘Your bill is complete.’

‘Sorry?’ I replied.

‘Your friend paid it a small time ago.’

Stranger? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was not the gift that mattered so much. It was the human kindness; it restored my confidence in humanity, just what I needed at the time.

I'm sure in the big cosmic purpose that's in the hands of our creator, we will meet again one day.

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