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Jim McCrory

We Are Being Watched by Extra Terrestrials

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 11:37

NASA, the North American Space Administration has rolled out billions of dollars developing technology to detect Extra-Terrestrial life. To what end, I wonder.

If there was extra-terrestrial life, what would they think of us? Consider: we have a planet producing food in abundance, and yet, we see images of emaciated figures in other continents malnourished with flies around their eyes. 19,000 children a year in sub-Saharan Africa are born with cataracts. Many dying before they become five years old. People are dying for the want of antibiotics. Our streets are filled with homeless people despite an abundance of land for building. Drugs are destroying societies. Poverty is rising in developed countries whilst the top ten per-cent amas more wealth. An unprecedented number of resources go towards arms and war. Resources that could be channelled towards mankind’s good. We see families crossing mighty seas in small crafts to find peace and security. What a helluva race we call mankind.

And what would we think of the Extra Terrestrials? What if they asked us to love our neighbours as ourselves? To be loyal; not looking at another with desire? To be honest in word and deed? To consider the poor, the window, the aged and the fatherless boy?  What if they asked us to respect life, to treat animals humanely? To lend without interest and not exploit the hired hand. To resist the temptation to be jealous, greedy, gossip, slander or bear false testimony. Would we buy into that? Apparently not.

What if these Extra Terrestrials were observing us now and assessing us?

“For the eyes of God is watching all the earth, and gives strength to those who with a pure heart and trust in him” 2 Chronicles 6:9

God’s will is that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, although He is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17: 27

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