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Jim McCrory

Visiting Scotland

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 08:25

“We meet so many people in life, but we connect to the heart of very few!”

― Avijeet Das

Walking in Scotland’s fine places, one realises you don’t have to travel the world; the world comes to you. But many fine opportunities are missed by not having the courage to commune with our fellow man.

A trip to  Aviemore in the summer confirmed the point that Avijeet Das made.The joys were those I met on my trip. The Native American Indian and his wife. The couple from Canada. The Scottish couple we met at An Lochan Uaine (The Green Loch) in Aviemore.

In all cases we conversed for some time. People I will never forget, But, in the hustle and bustle of life, it is difficult to keep in touch; to give one’s heart to all we would like to

I agree with Mary Wollstonecraft, who made many trips two centuries previously, a soulmate, like me, who found separation of newfound friends as a most melancholy, death-like experience.


Image by https://unsplash.com/@connormollison

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