It is all about "Trust" to trust someone is to have confidence in someone, to believe in them.
We know we can trust in God because he keeps his promises.
"Those who know your name trust in you" psalm 9 v10
Even when difficulties come, he is always there with us, he draws us closer to him. We must just have patience and rely on him. He will guide us and show us the way. His son Jesus is like him he is our rock and salvation. He was rejected by men but chosen by God. Jesus trusted in God. So it is all about 'Trust' Can we also be trusted as a Christian to keep our word to others?
Psalm 91: It's all about trust.
I had a biopsy in the prostate recently. I had an appointment to go and get the results three weeks ago. That morning before we left, Fay, my wife read us the daily devotional and I said to her "We are in for bad news today." She agreed.
It was cancer: cancer in three organs. Some cells in the prostate went rogue and carried out a rebellion in the pancreas, liver and who knows where.
And by the way, this was the verse:
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble
The verse in Psalm 91 was too specific for coincidence. It was prophetic. We came home and read the whole of Psalm 91. It's all about trust.
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Hi Jim,
Shattered about your diagnosis. I lost my little sister last year from cancer she was brave and smiling even till the end!
We humans are fragile and it seems we are all only here on borrowed time(Job chapter14)
Psalm 91 is one of my very favourites, it gives you such a sense of God being very close to us and protecting us no matter what happens to us. I will pray for you, God bless.
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I recall you mentioning your sister. It must be painful.
I have not lost my joy over this. The younger man living inside me tells me that we have "eternity in our hearts"
Eccl 3:11
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I agree Jim,
We are looking forward to living our life with Christ in the new paradise earth.
Best wishes Gill