This last Year I have:-
• passed languages and cultures- level3▪︎
• I already Passed - level 3 in english language module.
• Passed - level 3 in french language module.
• Read several books in french and understood about 3/4 of it.
• Watched movies in french without the subtitles. Understood about 3/4 of it.
• Was able to speak in french to my french friend over the phone.
• wrote on a french blog
• Taught my english friend basic beginners french.
• Wrote on an english blog
• Wrote essays in french
• Took part on a mixed language forum.
• Joined the Choir
• Played a musical instrument within a small group setting.
• Improved on my computer skills
• Volunteered in the library
° Finally finished knitting a colourful blanket from odd balls of wool.
• Took part in my local village tidy up.
• Managed a few good long country walks
• Befriended a lovely family from another country who are living in my village.
It has been a busy but eventful year!
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I speak Swedish. I learned it in the 1994 to 96 era. I think to have a conversation with a native is a great accomplishment. Well done, Gill.
I am losing much of my Swedish, but we're possible, I watch Swedish movies. Besides, I love the depth in their movies.
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By the way, I recommend My Life as a Courgette. Its a great French Children's movie. There is a great line when the child tells the psychologist, "my mother drinks a lot of beer, but she makes good mashed potatoes."
There is a sweetness but sadness in the statement.
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Thank you Jim.God Bless.