Cat's - Eye The shock of a world, caught In a headlight beam. A country road by night, each weed brandishing up towards you fronds spread, as ruthless as beggars, each branch like a meaning overemphasised, each particulate thing, crouched round at you, at bay: the light from the retinal cave the way the full moon throws it back one moment when you don't know which, you or the world, will veer or break and run. *************Ref. 'I Spy Pinhole Eye' Poems Philip Gross, photography Simon Denison Cinnamon Press
Cat's - Eye 👁
Cat's - Eye
The shock of a world, caught
In a headlight beam.
A country road by night,
each weed brandishing up towards you fronds spread, as ruthless as beggars,
each branch like a meaning overemphasised,
each particulate thing, crouched round at you, at bay:
the light from the retinal cave
the way the full moon throws it back
one moment when you don't know which, you or the world,
will veer or break and run.
Ref. 'I Spy Pinhole Eye'
Poems Philip Gross, photography Simon Denison
Cinnamon Press