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Sue Watkins

Festive Goodies

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Just following on from yesterday's post, I can confirm that all three types of stuffing have now been made and frozen. That is, your normal sage and onion (it's just mainly sage, onion and bread - easy peasy!), chestnut, and a fancy-schmancy 'Jewelled Stuffing Roll' which I've made every year for about a couple of decades and which I'm not allowed not to make! If you want the recipe, let me know.

So this writing blog has turned into a cookery blog. Who'da thought? That's what being a 'pantser' is all about - sitting down and writing whatever comes out of your finger tips.

I'm off to do some studying now - have a great evening.

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Head and shoulders of a woman in a white dress in front of a hedge holding gold sticks

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This is lovely - I will follow your stuffing content with interest!

I'm so nosey, I just love hearing about people's real lives! And when I read people's writing I'm so itchy to find out more about the actual author. Whatever would Roland Barthes say! (He'd say the author is dead, but you're not, Sue, so screw him.)

Great stuff, Sue!