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Helene Viel

The Domino Game

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Edited by Helene Viel, Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024, 19:04
The Domino Game is met in many areas: financial, economic, political, military, and medical with pandemics. Risks are financial and non-financial.

If we do not think about our future as a global future in the short, middle and long term, we will live in a very important financial and non-financial crisis. We must take the time to analyse the situation and its implications. Some people want to act immediately and instinctively. This is the best way to be manipulated and make mistakes. Even animals calculate/think before acting. Sidonie confirms it. So, the show must go on.

During the pandemic, we noted that every single area had lost an important part of their income. It was mainly in 2020. I wrote a dissertation for my Master's in Finance. It is about 'the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on liquidity risk management by the European general insurance companies' management.' Who could imagine the level of loss of insurance companies in 2020? Several governments helped small businesses too. They postponed the risk of declaring bankruptcy for a part of businesses.

International organisation's bankruptcies result in further bankruptcies. The opinion of investors and the credibility of international companies are vital. 

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Hi Helen,

I really enjoyed reading your post. Very interesting and imformative. Thank you.
