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Helene Viel

The risky sexy AI and Data Science

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Edited by Helene Viel, Sunday, 21 Jan 2024, 21:26
Do we have to live with AI? What are the limits? Are there limits? What about Ethics?

We want to work quickly, and better. We also want to invest income in the right areas. It is always valuable for employees not to do basic tasks. The main issue is not about how to train employees but how many IT issues your organisation will have per day or week, how you will manage them, and what about the perception of this organisation from your customers and consumers.

Is data science always intuitive?

The AI represents a new positive evolution and a new risk. The risk of making wrong choices and letting a machine choose for us is important. A machine must help us to find information and then synthesise it to make the right decision, for example. What are the objectives? What for?

The result is double. We stop wasting time with non-essential steps but the risk is from more IT bugs, frauds, security questions, and a bad reputation. What to do in case of a bug? Can an employee act? What will be the delay of action? Commerce innovation is increased. The answer is given by a good global strategy.

We must think of an issue, not stop analysing a problem. Are call centres worse than AI? It happens.

Punk Rock, the Peace Movement, and Open-Source AI: The Mozilla Foundation’s Mark Surman - MIT Sloan Management Review

Five Key Trends in AI and Data Science for 2024 - MIT Sloan Management Review


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