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Helene Viel

Happy Friday

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Edited by Helene Viel, Friday, 26 Jan 2024, 17:13

The situation the world has lived in since the beginning of 2020 is unique because of the range, deep, speed and importance of the pandemic and of the ways of communication, and travelling. 

Consequences are in every sector, in every continent. The European Union has had to manage this non-financial crisis with the different national regulators. Each EU country has lived in a specific sanitarian situation. That provokes international financial instability in the private sector such as the general insurance one. 

I studied liquidity risk management done by European Union general insurance companies during this non-financial crisis for my dissertation. 

The COVID-19 crisis has developed negative and positive perspectives. It has provoked financial instability, the insurance sector had to manage its difficulties and the financial, health, and logistic difficulties of its customers. 

This crisis also opened opportunities, accelerated the digitalization evolution but also decreased variable charges and opened a new area of way to work and communication. This drives private organizations to maintain a significant amount of capital and liquidity. Liquidity is immediately available whereas capital is not. Private organizations have been surprised by the speed of this pandemic. 

The lack of liquidity had provoked bankruptcies and slowdown of activities. The ideal would “to be able to create a well-balanced between capital and liquidity so to allow companies to adapt themselves to situations.

Even if the global situation is better than in 2020, the general order stays fragile because of several actual and potential political strategies.

OECD Economic Outlook

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