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Jim McCrory

Pray, Tell Me Your Favourite Spring Song

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 29 June 2024, 11:00

Do you have a favourite spring song? Let me know. My one is Runrig's Maymorning. Living 59% North, the first signs of spring brings joy. 

I'm alive once more  on this spring  morning




Okay, it's not quite may, but early signs are appearing Lat weekend, my wife and I got the hacking books polished and set of to Inveraray and Corran for the weekend. Here are a few images:

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Hi Jim,

These are beautiful scenes from your visit, and that you are lucky to live nearby.

When I am walking in nature I feel close to God, Like you I live in easy reach of the countryside. The sky looks enormous and the clouds feel close enough to touch!

There is nothing in the way, no buildings or obstructions. I also feel the same in the park when it is empty during a certain time in the afternoon. There's a sense of peace, of Gods presence, like we are not alone that God is there with us. I feel like I am transported back to the garden of Eden that I am one with nature. God must have created all this.

Best wishes Gill.

Jim McCrory

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Thanks Gill, I totally agree.