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Walking in Nature is good for the mental health!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 26 July 2024, 16:59

This week is "Mental Health Awareness week" and I have been taking lots of photos of flowers and nature to pin on my bedroom wall, because these scenes can be really cheerful to look at.

There is nothing better than going for a relaxing stroll through the park, nature reserve or a small natural woodland. 

There is always something new and interesting to see, whether it is a snail with its delicate small shell, a rosy red robin, a gay green foliage,  a beautiful bright butterfly or colourful cheerful flowers. There is always something in nature to see that can make you smile! 🙂

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Mike Beard

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Hi Gill

I can certainly agree with that because looking atvtrees, plants and flowers while listening to birds singing / tweeting ( on X for birds ha ha ) can as you said be very relaxing.

I like to whistle back to blackbirds and see if I can keep up with them even though we cannot understand them or the other way round, its still quite fun to do as it also helps me to try and maintain my musical abilities in a vocal sense aswell.

How have you been since the last time I messaged in 1 if your posts,  hope you're all well 

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Thanks Mike,

I feel a lot better since last time. Recovered from covid and getting out and about more. Taken the bus to town each week and walked a lot in short bursts.

Making the most of the good weather.

Best wishes
