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Jim McCrory

On the Loss of a Father

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Friday, 28 June 2024, 09:57

Image by https://unsplash.com/@marcsm

If only You would appoint a time for me and then remember me!

Job 14:13 BSB

It’s midnight. I’m on the Princess of Scandinavia in the middle of the North Sea between England and Sweden. I’m on the top deck shaking off the two malt whiskeys I drank as I shared a deep conversation with a couple; two schoolteachers from Södertälje whose names have long escaped me.

With no light pollution, it’s as black as night and all the stars are out. More than I have ever seen. There is something about solitude in a starry evening that draws out the deeper questions; it's the Creator's way of acknowledging him through his creation.

I have a thought: Only I have seen this exact starry sky. No one on the entire planet is looking at what I’m looking at.

I think of my father whom I lost when I was 12 years old and wonder where he is. I muse and pen a quatrain:

“Meet me amidst the ocean,

Under the Northern sky

To the light of constellations

As our restless souls pass by.”

Copywrite 2024 © by Jim McCrory

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