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Jim McCrory

Good morning, India, I like your word (जुगाड़) Jugaad

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 8 June 2024, 19:50

Image by https://unsplash.com/@sreeharid1

Good morning, India, I like your word जुगाड़ , Jugaad

I was reading an experiment with ants. A cake was placed on a table with a moat of water surrounding the cake.

In came some scout ants who sniffed out the cake with their antennas. Afterwards, the brought in the rest of the colony.

So, how do you navigate the deep waters surrounding this Victoria sponge cake with full stomachs? They crawled up the wall and along the ceiling and parachuted down on top of the cake.

Now here is the problem: How do they get home. They are stranded on an island, you might say. Well, the formed a human chain across the ocean between the cake and the table. Then, the rest of the colony crossed over the bodies of their fellow ants.

I immediately thought of the Bible account about ants,

Go to the ant you slaker——

Consider its ways and be wise.

Proverbs 6:6 (TLV)


Ah! See its ways and be wise. God has gifted the ant with instinctive wisdom; the ability to work out problems in ingenious ways.


Jugaaḍ : is an unconventional, economical innovation (Hindi).




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