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Jim McCrory

What Will We Do With Our Fleeting Moment on Earth?

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We are reminded that, in the fleeting time we have on this earth, what matters is not wealth, or status, or power, or fame but rather how well we have loved and what part we have played in making the lives of other people better. — Barack Obama.

Image by https://unsplash.com/@timmossholder

This is what I do: when I am approached by a Christian evangeliser, I ask them to stroke their mobile and read Acts 2: 44,45. Then I ask, what does your religious organisation do about this Biblical principle? Let me explain why. Truth is, most overlook this fundamental principle. 

Let me take you through the streets of London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and wherever. This is what you will see, countless young and old, male, and female sleeping in cardboard boxes, under Asda canopies, in shop doorways and under bridges. Shivering for compassion and empathy.

We have a new government, but I am not holding my breath. Homelessness is pandemic since the days Ralph McTell sung The Streets of London with his message of empathy and compassion.

I see rich religious organisations amassing wealth and proselytising, but where is the spirit of true Christianity and humanity? True, I see some out there, but not all.

All the believers got together, and everything they owned was for the use of all. They sold their possessions and distributed the money among the believers. They gave each person what he needed. — Acts 2: 44,45.

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