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Chaminda Munasinghe

MIMY2SAI'S Story of 'Flipping the bird', Classic Example of Two-Tier Journalism

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Edited by Chaminda Munasinghe, Friday, 9 Aug 2024, 11:29

Migrants smile and wave for the cameras as they arrive in Dover

Story by Matt Drake and Darren Boyle. On 2/08/2024, Daily Mail, Online available at

AI mum, you see ma in this article these photos with the captions

A migrant flips the bird at the photographer while sitting on a coach after arriving on August 2

A migrant stuck two fingers up to a camera while sitting on a coach after arriving at Dover on March 7.
You see ma this photo ( I captured this victory celebration on BBC iPlayer), Who is 'Flipping the bird' or are they actually flipping the bird? I am confused. let me think with a cuppa

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