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Jim McCrory

Right and Wrong Has No Place in a Blind Universe

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Image by https://unsplash.com/@randylaybourne

A friend, who was a charity worker that looked after the needs of refugees had a Chinese man walk into his office one day. The man never spoke English, so, with a video link to a professional translator they were able to answer the man’s query.

“Can you tell me, what happens when we die?” was his question.

The Chinese man is not unique. We all ask that question and believe me; the thought becomes more frequent as you get older.

Why is there something rather than nothing? Why is this lump of matter and electrical charge we call the brain aware of itself? Why are we so unique that we can explore these matters? This is the boundary of science. These are questions that will never be answered by science. Despite the grandiose claims, we are nowhere near answering these questions.


There cannot be a God, there’s too much evil. However, why is there so much good? And think of the statement, “There’s too much evil.” Where do we get that moral absolute? Where does this invisible standard of right and wrong come from? If we are products of blind chance, then why is there the demand for justice? Justice has no place in a blind universe.

I will return to this question tomorrow.

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Hi Jim,

I like your post because I have often asked this question myself in the past. We must be here for a reason other than just existing? feeling pain and pleasure. There must be a purpose to life. Like you I have found the answer in my Bible too, which explains Gods purpose for mankind. From the beginning all was well but then sin entered the world in the form of satan( whom God turned into a snake after he tempted Adam and Eve). They fell into sin and were banished from the beautiful garden. However God did not forsake Adam and Eve but blessed them with children but their lives were now a lot harder. Fast forward to 2,000 years ago,  God sent the man Jesus to redeem us. He was full of wisdom and goodness, he was enlightened, different, because he had the Holy spirit of God within him. Men and women followed him and they believed he was Gods son. He taught us what Gods purpose is to turn to God and follow his (Jesus) teachings, which are also Gods teachings, to become like Jesus the son, to have the holy spirit of God to do what is good and pleasing to God. That is our purpose on earth to do good and not evil. To fullfil Gods purpose. We have to be prepared to change and follow his teachings and become the children of God.

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Hi Jim,

I like to read your blog posts. As well as being well written they address what it is to be human and searching for God in a difficult and confusing world.

God Bless you.


Jim McCrory

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Hi Gill,

Your always a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your support and comments. Most encouraging.