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Christopher Douce

A334 Journal - June 2024

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Thursday, 29 Aug 2024, 08:02

With months to go before the start of my next module, I thought I would summarise where I’ve got to with my pre-reading (or pre-studying).

I began by downloading as many of the course texts to my digital reading device as I could, and then by watching different productions of the plays that feature within the first block.

To be honest, I’m a bit intimidated by this module. There are books in the reading list that I’ve started and have never finished, as well as plays that I’ve seen, but I’ve never thoroughly understood. The key question is: can I make it to the other side, getting a good grade?

6 June 2024

My set books have arrived!

I bought a set of second hand text from a former A233 student. It’s quite a package. I am now officially scared.

I’ve watched one production of As You Like It from Drama Online. It took me a bit of time to figure out what it was about (it’s all about love). There’s one soliloquy by Jacques that I recognised immediately. 

30 June 2024

I had a long drive to visit my parents. Before setting off, I downloaded Pride and Prejudice from Audible. As well as listening to it, I’ve been starting to watch a dramatized version which can be found on BBC iPlayer, starring Colin Firth as Darcy. I’m gradually making a bit of progress, but it’s taking a bit of time. I’m quite liking Mr Bennett.

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