Ok, we are officially 3 days behind for this second week. I have only just (22:07, Mon 7th Oct) finished all the material for week 1, ready to go in to my two tutorials tomorrow. Currently crying, screaming, throwing up.
Is anyone else as disorganised as me? Hang in there guys.
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Hey there!!
Especially with the combination of D120 and D110 at the same time!! I'm doing both of them too, and yea, finding how to mix and match 'em is a challenge for sure! Just wanted to encourage you, because you are doing a dang fine job! Just keep going at it one step at a time, and don't forget to be freakin' proud of yourself along the way!
Just popping in to tell you I've been reading your blog, and I know you probably wrote it just for yourself, but just seeing someone else going through the motions of combining work and family life is SO reassuring! We're all still finding our feet
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Rachel! This made me cry and im not 100% sure if its hormones or exhaustion but it made my day! Thankyou so much for your encouragement, i hear you and i see you! All in this together! (queue standing on high school tables in perfectly choreographed clapping and gyrating) <3