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Caragh Daly

Getting Behind

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Ok, we are officially 3 days behind for this second week. I have only just (22:07, Mon 7th Oct) finished all the material for week 1, ready to go in to my two tutorials tomorrow. Currently crying, screaming, throwing up.

Is anyone else as disorganised as me? Hang in there guys.

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Caragh Daly


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We are less than a week in to the start of university and typically, I have found a way to procrastinate already. I've laid my learning out as such; Online for both modules, followed by reading and note taking in the textbooks for both modules and finishing online again for both, with tutorials in between. I suppose we'll see how well this works after the first dreaded assignment feedback returns!

My procrastination comes during textbook hours. I read and make notes on one section, then give myself a break. This usually results in an hour of scrolling, half an hour for a snack (growing a baby leads to forever eating), then another unnecessarily long amount of time getting distracted, usually by online shopping! Oh and look at that, it's time for the school run, work day is done and back to family life!

Perhaps it's already clear that my methods won't work in the long run. Who'd have thunk it.

I have, however, successfully finished 1 whole chapter! it took 3 days to do 20 pages...

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Caragh Daly

Studying the textbooks

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Currently working through my first chapter of D120 and right after a brief explanation if Behaviourist approach, it moved on to Cognitive Psychology, to which my oh so witty brain noted it as a PREQUEL to the former approach. I imagine it isn't very witty at all!
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Caragh Daly

Starting the course

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I have applied to do 2 modules simultaneously. D110 and D120. I had intended to start a few weeks early and get a little ahead! A farming family with 3 dogs, 2 children and 1 farmer husband renders my week rather full in the end, so I thought a bit of studying in advance would help that. But of course it all went out the window and I actually finally started a day AFTER the official start date, typical! 

We are also due to have another baby pop out of me in February so that will really mess up my time keeping im sure! What a fun ride this is going to be (said with a heavy amount of panic).

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Caragh Daly, Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024, 12:25)
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Caragh Daly


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Edited by Caragh Daly, Monday, 30 Sept 2024, 21:10

I attended my first tutorial this evening (3 days in to the course starting!). It was much more lighthearted and far less boring than I presumed it would be, despite it being the training wheels to the rest of the Module! The interactions were easy to use, people seemed to engage well, although I felt like I was engaging too much and getting on people's nerves, perhaps I'll rein it in next time. The tutors were eager to hear peoples responses and took time to do so. All in all, not too bad! and I'm looking forward to future sessions! Who'd have thunk it.

To conclude, attend the tutorials. They aren't that bad, promise.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Caragh Daly, Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024, 12:24)
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